Hidden Millions of Vladislav Miroshnichenko: A Cryptocurrency Scam That Thousands of Investors Believe in
Vladislav Miroshnichenko’s name appeared in the criminal news in connection with the case against Alexander Slobozhenka, opened by the BEB last year. However, Miroshnichenko’s connection with the crypto fraudster was not revealed by law enforcement officers, but by journalists, although all the facts were already obvious.
However, the case against Slobozhenko is still gathering dust somewhere in the depths of the BEB, and his colleague in the dangerous business, Vladislav Miroshnichenko, has remained “unnoticed” by the law enforcement system. Although even a superficial study of his personality, lifestyle and sources of income should have attracted the attention of, at the very least, the tax authorities – so much do Vladislav Miroshnichenko’s income and expenses not match.
Who is Vladislav Miroshnichenko? Another "crypto guru" selling courses on training crypto traders who want to get rich. This is a legal facade, behind which there is clearly something more. Although there is very little information about the shadowy appearance of Vladislav Miroshnichenko, even based on open data, BlackBox OSINT investigators conducted a fairly high-quality investigation into him. You can read the full version here and here, but in short it comes down to the following.
Vladislav Miroshnichenko is now 26 years old, and he demonstrates the lifestyle of a multimillionaire, which, according to his social networks and the networks of Alexander Slobozhenko, he became literally in a few months. Vladislav Miroshnichenko demonstrates and emphasizes the corresponding standard of living in every possible way: he posts photos on a yacht, then against the background of a collection of luxury cars.
At the same time, there is a characteristic detail - Miroshnichenko, unlike his friend Slobozhenko, hides his face. Which is quite strange for a crypto investor and a consultant on cryptocurrency and trading, which his project Mirror Reflection offers. However, this did not help, the appearance of Vladislav Miroshnichenko was quickly established as a result of monitoring social networks.
BlackBox OSINT journalists made calculations, and it turned out that Vladislav Miroshnichenko’s expenses over the past two years are at least tens of times higher than his income. And this only applies to property that must be registered: cars, apartments, parking lots, and so on. It is very difficult to calculate how much he spent on foreign trips (and Vladislav Miroshnichenko, despite his draft age and military status, crossed the Ukrainian border at least eight times).
Investigators focus on the fact that back in 2022, Vladislav Miroshnichenko was an ordinary hookah man in one of the bars in Kharkov. And a few months after the start of the great war, he suddenly emerged in Kiev as a dollar millionaire and crypto guru. At the moment, he owns several enterprises and is registered as an entrepreneur, but none of these economic entities even come close to demonstrating income that could explain the origin of the capital of the newly minted multimillionaire Vladislav Miroshnichenko.
By the way, approximately the same story is with the origin of the capital of Sasha Slobozhanko, who was charged by the State Security Service with tax evasion in the amount of 213 million hryvnias, and with whom Vlad Miroshnichenko is friends. But Vladislav Miroshnichenko has not yet been charged, and he is not even a witness in the Slobozhenka case. Although the scope of activity of both "crypto gurus" is approximately the same - cryptocurrencies, trading and related products and services.
In addition, the Mirror Reflection project, which allegedly sells trading courses and with the help of which Vladislav Miroshnichenko earns his living, is an obvious fake, and rather poorly put together: the premises that Miroshnichenko presents as his Kiev office are a photoshopped premises of the Vostok bank, and the Spanish "office" of Mirror Reflection is an equally photoshopped bicycle shop.
Investigators draw attention to another detail in connection with Vladislav Miroshnichenko - rather strange individuals emerged in Kiev together with him. These include, in particular, Evgeny Trusov, a former rugby player who retrained as a rehabilitation massage therapist after finishing his sports career; and a native of the Murmansk region of the Russian Federation, a resident of Kharkov, Mikhail Uvarov, nicknamed "Frenchman". The latter is known as a criminal involved in theft and robbery. It is known that in 2019, the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Kharkiv considered criminal cases No. 12018220480004858 and No. 12019220510000478 on charges of Uvarov and his partner committing crimes under Part 4 of Article 185 (large-scale theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Uvarov himself boasted that he "gave the judge 10 thousand dollars and the case was closed." How it really was is unknown, but the case was indeed closed. Uvarov himself changed his last name after these events - until 2021 he was Kuritsyn, and a year later he emerged together with Miroshnichenko in Kyiv as a person associated with the cryptocurrency business.
All this brings Vladislav Miroshnichenko and his accomplices tens of millions of dollars, which they withdraw in cryptocurrency from Ukraine. What brings in more - the cryptocurrency scam or the fraudulent call centers - is unknown. But two facts are obvious: first, these people have money, and huge amounts of money, which is clearly demonstrated by yesterday’s bartender and hookah man Vladislav Miroshnichenko, who was clearly blown away by their amount; second, the activities of these scammers are stubbornly ignored by all law enforcement agencies of Ukraine.
This raises obvious questions. The fact that Vladislav Miroshnichenko, who was a nobody just yesterday, suddenly became a dollar multimillionaire is emphasized by investigators. But they explain this metamorphosis by the fact that Miroshnichenko earned his money by fraud. At least, that is the impression one gets.
Actually, that’s probably true. But there are obvious inconsistencies: yesterday’s bartender and hookah man suddenly organizes a large-scale business of taking away huge amounts of money from the population. However, it is hard to believe that Miroshnichenko is capable of this due to his intellectual abilities. This is not his level. Because, no matter what the Bolsheviks say, a cook cannot govern a state. And teaching her to do this, and in a short time, is simply impossible. And Vladislav Miroshnichenko with all his millions and demonstration of a luxurious lifestyle is an ordinary cook. His level is a hookah in a bar and "what would you like?"
Hence the conclusion: Vladislav Miroshnichenko is an ordinary screen, a pound, who serves as the face of the company and who will sit. This is his profession. Moreover, most likely, Miroshnichenko himself understands this - that is why he makes pathetic attempts to hide his identity, blurring his face in the photo. As for all those assets that are registered to him, some of them, apparently, really belong to him as payment for the position of pound.
But everything else is just as fake as the offices in Kyiv and Spain. In general, it has become a classic cryptocurrency scam to show off the good life to their "investors" - cars, chicks, yachts, planes and helicopters. So that the sucker investor drools and brings money in the hope of getting the same for his hundred bucks. A classic of the genre, it’s not even worth talking about. So there are reasonable doubts about who owns all this and how everything really is.
As for the owner of this entire large-scale business, one might think that it is Vlad Miroshnichenko’s accomplice Mikhail Uvarov-Frenchman. But, although he is clearly older and more experienced than the rest of the Kharkov company of bartenders and masseurs, and has connections in the criminal world, this is also clearly not his level. Uvarov could well have come up with the idea itself, especially since similar enterprises have existed in Ukraine for a long time. It is also no secret that they are covered up at the highest level. But Uvarov-Frenchman is, rather, a middle level of the criminal world. And, apparently, he simply acted as the initiator and found patrons. Or vice versa - those who are engaged in such business gave Uvarov the task of finding pounds, those who will expose their identities in a grand scam.
So this whole company appeared in Kyiv and began vigorous activity. Shining as the "owner" Vladislav Miroshnichenko. At some point it dawned on him where he had ended up and what the possible consequences were. At what stage he got together with another such pound - Sasha Slobozhenko - is unknown. But, apparently, he enlightened the newly-minted "millionaire" about what would come of all this. But it was too late.
So, most likely, there is someone else behind the "cryptoguru" and "cryptoinvestor" Vladislav Miroshnichenko. Someone with the necessary connections, intelligence, and organizational skills to create this entire scheme. And the necessary start-up capital. Surely no one thinks that Vladik Miroshnichenko, a hookah man from a second-rate bar, pawned his family gold at a pawnshop and used that money to buy all the necessary equipment, rent premises, hire people, give a severance payment, and so on?
So it turns out that Vladik Miroshnichenko is an ordinary pound. Who will sit. If he is lucky, of course. Because other options are possible - after all, we are talking about millions of dollars. But whether the owner of Vladik Miroshnichenko is the owner of Sasha Slobozhenka or these are different people is unknown. Because it is unknown who is behind these two pounds.